viernes, 25 de abril de 2014

I choose this computer because your characteristic. The computer has eight gigabites of ram memory and they are expandable up sixteen gigabites, to have that memory is perfect for surf of internet. Moreover, has a processor intel quad core, that allows processes to don´t interfiere, for example, watch a movie while downloading music. Also, the computer has a hard disk of one terabite and can save lot of information, for example, music, films, pictures and books.

The computer desk i choose because is big and comfortable. Also, includes a furniture for printer. Finally, the compuer desk have wheels, make more easy and fast move it.

domingo, 20 de abril de 2014

Post 2 : Expectations for a new semester

This is my last semester with regular courses and in psychology we just have electives ones. I think that the courses that I chose are very interesting. Although, there were some electives that I don’t take because they were all at the same time. For that reason, I prefer to take English in another faculty. Also, I think it will be fun to meet people from the Art’s faculty. My expectations for this new semester are to learn very much about all aspects of my life, whether in psychology or in music. Moreover, I began an assistantship and it looks quite interesting. I would like to restart swimming or start practicing yoga. I would love to meet more of Chile and I hope it will be through the music. I have much energy and encouragement. Regards!

Post 1: An autobiography.

Hello, my name is Víctor Madariaga and I’m student of psichology in the University of Chile. I was born in Santiago of Chile in November 1991. I have three older sisters and a beautiful nephew. I live in a house with my parents, my grandmother and one of my sisters. I like psychology, but I also love the music. I play the trumpet since my adolescence. However, was one year ago when I began to study trumpet. I play in two bands; one of Jamaican music and its name is “Addis Ababa”, and the other one is a gypsy company of music and dance and its name is “Carnavalito Gitano”. Sometimes, I think I don´t have enough time. I would like to work in psychology and music. I am happy with the activities that I make.  Regards!

viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

Post 3 : Your favourite piece of technology

When I was ten years old my parents bought our first computer. He used for playing the computer every morning before going to school. Then, technological advances allowed us to have internet, from there I started to use the chat and search engines. Today, I consider fundamental to continue learning on internet, it is awesome how much information it contains. For me it is necessary to using it constantly, looking concerts, sheet music, psychology text, books, music and history. In addition to internet, I use computer to store information, listen to music, read, write, watch movies and more. Also, it is through the computer that I can tidy my week as it by internet we coordinated, with my fellow, the rehearsals, concerts and activities we need to do. Finally, I believe that my computer is essential to my life, with it I learn, I produce, I communicate and entertain me.