viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Post X

Hello classmate, today I going to talk about I learned in English at university. I think that I could talk to my experience in the different levels. When I was in English two I was very nervous because in the school I not liked and I was wrong in English, then I was preoccupied of this topic. But, immediately I started to enjoy and learn a little the language, also, the teacher was very interesting and funny to teach. I was very motivated with the English and also I learned very much that year. Instead, the last half year I didn’t fell very well in English class, then I didn`t learn much. I think that I had some problems because I take the class in other faculty and also the teacher was very boring and disagreeable. Although I think the motivation for make thing not depend only the another person’s, I believe that if affects.

Actually, I have learn very much in this level because I entertain in the classes and writer the blog, I think that have many things, for example words, sentence, but also I learning to read best. In my personal opinion I think that as teach English at university is fine. Moreover, the learning depend to personal interesting, then also is important the motivation of the student.

But the spit of all classes, for me the English still is difficult. I don`t know why I don`t learn, anyway I want learn more of English because I think that is necessary for actually life. Thank, bye bye.

domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014

Psot 10: 2014

Hello classmate, in this post I will to talk about some things that happened this year. Earlier this year many things came either, I was very motivate and anxious, had decided study trumpet and music while still in psychology, also I started playing in two bands. I love what I do but sometimes the time is short.

The first half at the university I take an assistantship for the course psychology in career sociology and was amazing and also a personal challenge because I had to review many contents of the first year by my career. Also It was funny that I made some expositions.

Maybe, the most complex in this year was the money, because my family is going of a difficult moment in economic terms, then I´ve had that cover all my expenses. But good is that by the music, I've had a lot of work lately. In that sense, I should be grateful for the opportunities I've had this year. Perhaps, I had to be away some classes, rehearsals and performances by some, but I think it costs to do the things I like.

Has been interesting to everything I've learned this year, for more theoretical issues to life things. Sometimes I haven´t much time for sleep or spend more with my family and friends, but I think that the life is more beautiful while you can do what I like and passionate. This year many times I've had a bit scary because I think: “maybe not be able to do this or that”, but then I remember my dreams and people who love me, and recover the energy to continue. Regards!

domingo, 19 de octubre de 2014


Hello everyone, today I going to talk about my hobbies. Often I haven`t time by studies but I love I do fun things. For example, I like read an interesting book, as novels of Roberto Bolaño, as short stories of Julio Cortazar or the poems of Rodrigo Lira.  When I`m at university generally I only read theoretical papers but I like so much the literature.

This year I haven't gone much into the pool but I like so much to swim. I ride in bicycle but I prefer swim because is more entertainment but for I go to the pool I need more time while that for I go to somewhere I can ride a bike.

Also, I like to party whit my girlfriend or my friends, I love dance and drink or talk quietly with someone. This is a hobby for me because I think that this is necessary to distract after work or study.

But the hobby I more like to do is listen music of all kinds, from jazz to pop. I love the music, for me is necessary take some time to I am quietly and relax enjoying of the music. Ever I listen music, on the bus or bicycle, but it isn´t equal, I´m concern of other things and I am not focused in the details of the music. This is why that I need many time in the week  

Finally, I like watch movies of any types: action, mystery or comedy. Sometimes I attempt practice English while watch the movie. Regards!

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014


Hello classmate, I`m going to talk about what I think of the environment. Many people talk about what they are ecological but sometimes they don't make a thing to improve the environment. Then, I wonder, how you can help the environment.

Well, the previous question is very complicate, because, I think that some problems can be identified. First, the ecology is very interesting and it has great ideas, but people sometimes only criticise the environmental issues, setting aside other themes, for example, the economic system and its productive form that needs control the nature and extracts greater amount of resources. In that scences, the problem is not related with other structural problems.

Second, the ecological thought is very critical but in this time, as many other things and is in the market, then, it loses some meaning and becomes a massive fashion. I think that the problem is not the massive character, but rather, it is only this, because some people think that just buying some clothes or buying in selected stores they are helping the planet and I think that it is not so.

Finally, I think that the ecology is a very important thought because somehow it directly affects us in our health and our life. Then, beyond being consequent, I think that the pollution is a problem very serious of all society but, especially, of the governments, although I think that with this economic system is not much what can be made. Bye Bye!

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

My future job

Hello everyone, today I will to talk about my future work or more specifically I will to talk about what I want for my future. At school, when I thought I wanted to study, I liked two areas: social sciences or humanities and music. Since my adolescence I play trumpet and I`m interested in the music in general. I played in the school orchestra´s and there the musical formation was classic, then I was recommended postulate to conservatory, but I not was selected. It is why I decided to look into other careers because I thought it was the only way to study music at the conservatory.

The psychology seemed to me interesting to be among health and social sciences. Also, the psychology considers the question to the human condition. Finally, I study psychology because I like the clinic and some social aspects. But, two years ago I the musical study however to other way, now it is with private lessons and focused on popular music. I would like to work in the two things, but first continue studying music. Then, I intend work part-time in the public health while I study. Later on, I would like work as a musician and clinical psychologist. I think that is possible because they are two complementary activities and also, in both can work part time. Regards!

viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

Post 4: The bomb

Hello classmates, today I will talk about the strange blast the last Monday in the subway station. But, I will be focused in the use which the mass media it made about the news. Beyond that the law is looking for the guilty, is interesting see as the media use this news for cause terror. In my personal opinión, the importance it is atributed about the bomb it relates to the new reforms being made in security and intelligence. I think if people are afraid, also they demand more security and control, allowing in this way, for example, more the police intervention. This week, in the subway, there were at least two policemen at each station, this seems curious in relationship with the recent protests by increases in the price of public transport.

Moreover, I think that is not important the blast or the bomb by itself, because also could be  any other thing, as the mapuches or students, I think that the problem is the the control on the population, using public safety as an argument. However, the question is, for me, Why the interest in public security and not by the conditions of life the people? Or, why the interest by the “terorist” and not by the drug trafficking? To finish a song:

domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2014


Hello classmates. Today I going to talk about the country I´d like to visit. I´m interested in East Europe, especially Croatia. I think Croatia is important for my personal history because my grandfather was born there. Even if I didn´t know my grandfather (because he died when my mother was a baby) I think I can know more about him visiting his country. Also, I like this country because of their dance and music, especially traditional gypsy folk. Moreover, I think that recently east Europe’s history is very interesting because of their conflicts and wars. I would like visit Croatia in a touristic way, meet the island where my grandfather lived and also visit all Balkan Peninsula. It would be nice to meet some familiar or any of my grandfather´s old friends that could talk me about him and his life in Croatia. It would be important for me recover that part of my family history. Have a nice week, bye bye. 

viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Post 2: Music

Hello classmates! Today I talk about the music that I like listen. I like all the music in general, but I prefer to the instrumental music, as the jazz or ska. I think that like the instrumental music because I'm musician, more specifically I play the trumpet. Then, I like the music that have funny brass, for example the latin music as the salsa or boleros, and also the black music, funk, afrobeat, reggae. Also, I like the famous trumpeters that play jazz. I think that's what I like is the jazz, in particular the jazz of the 50 or 60, as the Charlie Parker, Miles Davis or Clifford Brown. But, I think that is amazing the jazz bebop and hardbop that played Clifford Brown. Unfortunately, Clifford died too young, but his music influenced to the new jazz generations. He is my favourite trumpet player and his music. I am fascinates by his versatility, his solo can is fast and stridents, but also his sound can is slight and deep. I recommend this great song by Clifford Brown:

sábado, 21 de junio de 2014

Post 10: Blogging Experience.

Hello, today I will talk about my experience written on this blog. In general I liked the experience because I have many difficult to write in English so these kinds of activities help me a lot for learning this language.  Also, I could talk about many topics that I'm interested as psychoanalysis, jazz, literature and culture in general. Moreover, I could know the preferences of my partners of my class, their topics were more interesting for me because they studied a different career. Therefore that is how I learned about some artists and authors related with artistic theory. The experience of write in a blog is very interesting and I think in continue with this. Also, It´s funny that I can express my personal opinion about some topics because in general, at university, the essays are very academics. The other hand, blogs allows the use of pictures or other audiovisual material, making blogs more attractive in esthetics terms. Finally, I think that should have been more feedback about our publications, specifically, in our way to write for we could progress. In conclusion I liked the experience of blogging, especially for the topics that the we talked in our different blogs and everything that I learned in English and other stuff. Goodbye and farewell.

viernes, 20 de junio de 2014

Post 8: A career-related article / An expert in your field

In the actually some persons think that psychoanalysis isn´t important for psychology. The american psychology since the 40s has proposed a science of behavior, in this time has been devoted to neuroscience or the cognitivism. Meanwhile in Europe the social constructionism has interesting ideas. But none of these theories has been able to relate the individual and culture satisfactorily. Therefore it is that I think has importance Freud and the psychoanalysis. Specifically, I will talk about an essay written before his death, called "El Malestar en la cultura" of 1938. The relevance this article is how proposes a theory about the culture based in the human suffering. In the general terms, Freud talks about impossibility of the society for deliver happiness for the persons. Rather, the life in society has a cost and it is repress the desires more primitive. Freud thinks that the happiness is a moment but not a permanent state. But this not means that we are destined to suffering, rather it is an attempt to think realistically society. In actuality, the company “Coca Cola” has an institute of happiness, I ask myself: what do you want with that? Why the purpose of life would be "happy”? The article "El malestar en la cultura" is one of the few in the psychology that proposes a different opinion about the humanity and your future. Regards

Post 9 : Your favourite writer

I don´t have a favourite writer but I like Roberto Bolaño. The first book Bolaño´s I read was "Putas Asesinas", at once I liked by their style. All time Roberto Bolaño invites to discover a mystery, do not always know what the mystery, but there is always something. I read all books of short story and then I read some novels. Also I like Roberto Bolaño by the way he writes about different cultures, countries and how they relate. In the summer I travelled to Argentina and I visited an exhibition about Roberto Bolaño. In the exhibition there were personal items, manuscripts and other items. Also, the exhibition was structured how an investigation. For this I think that for to read the Bolaño´s books is necessary become a "wild detective”. Maybe for this himself talk about his book´s was “police novels” but had not necessarily cops and crimes. The funny in the Bolaño´s books is “investigate” the story line that united whole. In my personal opinion I find interesting discover the “secret crime” that not ever is a crime but can't tell. Also is interesting the way in that in the short story, Bolaño created a tense atmosphere where finally nothing happens. I recommend you read the first story of the book "Putas Asesinas", is called "El ojo silva". Regards.

viernes, 6 de junio de 2014

An Artist you admire: Miles Davis

Miles Davis was an American jazz musician, trumpeter, bandleader, and composer. He is considered one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century. Miles Davis was, together with his musical groups, at the forefront of several major developments in jazz music, including bebop, cool jazz, hard bop, modal jazz, and jazz fusion. Also, in the beginning his musical major play whit the Parker's quintet, from this moment Miles show the own style. This style matured in the disc "The Birth of cool" in 1948, where in addition founded the "cool jazz". By 1953, his drug addiction began to impair his playing ability. But in 1954 Davis is recovered from his addiction. The begins play with John Coltrane and he explored in the "hardbop" style. But in 1959, Miles Davis succeeded in establishing himself as a successful musician with the creation the disk "Kind of Blue". The trumpet solo on the song "So What" is amazing, changed the history of jazz. I admire  Miles Davis because in his life by different jazz style but his style never changed its originality. I leave you with this beautiful theme. 

viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014

Post 6: Your favourite film. The Godfather.

I don´t have a favorite director, but I have a favorite film. The trilogy of the Godfather of Francis Ford Coppola I like. This movie is based in the book of Mario Puzzo. In my personal opinion, what is interesting is how different aspects that are not in view combine. For example, the stories "Corleone’s” family show us the history of the twentieth century, that is to say some changes political, economic and cultural transform the life of the personages. I think that can understand the history of the civilizations by its prohibitions, because they are never fully prohibited, so there are mafias and black markets. The mafia represents an ideal of classic family that promoted the culture but also they commit crimes, murder and forbidden things by the society. I think that the “Godfather” somehow show us the contradiction of the modernity, where the human being, when man can do anything for power. Finally, mafia movies are also very entertaining. Regards!

viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

My favourite photograph: Bebop, Bird and Diz.

This photograph shows us a revolution, or rather, revolutionaries. The bebop jazz in the '40s revolutionized jazz in particular and music in general.Do not know who took this picture, but here are two great: Charlie Parker, intrepid saxophonist and Dizzy Gillespie, trumpeter and composer. This photo shows us a revolution, jazz was at an impasse in their 40s, big bands had achieved much, but now they were already causing limitations.The new generation of jazz in the 40s, led by "Bird" and "Dizzy" created new "formations", smaller than the big bands, how (trios, quintets, quartets, sextets) and therefore more versatile. This picture also shows us a friendship, a union beyond music. Must be remembered that Charlie was a drug addict and Gillespie was always attentive to your friend, by encouraging him for to leave them, or at least. Charlie also loved Dizzy and it considered the greatest modern trumpet player. This photographe shows us as Charlie watches and listens to Dizzy, as they shared their musical revolution, his friendship, his passion. Regards!

viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

Post 4 : "GGM"

The first book i have read of Gabo it was “La hojarasca” and then I read “100 años de soledad”, both required at the school. Also, for personal interest I read two books more: “El coronel no tiene quién le escriba” and “12 cuentos peregrinos”. I liked all the books i read because is interesting as GGM created a new literary genre for his age, a style from and for Latin America. The Latin America literature had too much european influences and thanks to the "boom” led by Gabo it could be independent. For these reasons is that Gabo was too outstanding, but sometimes a myth is created about Latin America because of an uncritical reading of his books. In my personal opinion the problem not is be in favor but rather believe that is the only Latin American reality. Regards!

viernes, 25 de abril de 2014

I choose this computer because your characteristic. The computer has eight gigabites of ram memory and they are expandable up sixteen gigabites, to have that memory is perfect for surf of internet. Moreover, has a processor intel quad core, that allows processes to don´t interfiere, for example, watch a movie while downloading music. Also, the computer has a hard disk of one terabite and can save lot of information, for example, music, films, pictures and books.

The computer desk i choose because is big and comfortable. Also, includes a furniture for printer. Finally, the compuer desk have wheels, make more easy and fast move it.

domingo, 20 de abril de 2014

Post 2 : Expectations for a new semester

This is my last semester with regular courses and in psychology we just have electives ones. I think that the courses that I chose are very interesting. Although, there were some electives that I don’t take because they were all at the same time. For that reason, I prefer to take English in another faculty. Also, I think it will be fun to meet people from the Art’s faculty. My expectations for this new semester are to learn very much about all aspects of my life, whether in psychology or in music. Moreover, I began an assistantship and it looks quite interesting. I would like to restart swimming or start practicing yoga. I would love to meet more of Chile and I hope it will be through the music. I have much energy and encouragement. Regards!

Post 1: An autobiography.

Hello, my name is Víctor Madariaga and I’m student of psichology in the University of Chile. I was born in Santiago of Chile in November 1991. I have three older sisters and a beautiful nephew. I live in a house with my parents, my grandmother and one of my sisters. I like psychology, but I also love the music. I play the trumpet since my adolescence. However, was one year ago when I began to study trumpet. I play in two bands; one of Jamaican music and its name is “Addis Ababa”, and the other one is a gypsy company of music and dance and its name is “Carnavalito Gitano”. Sometimes, I think I don´t have enough time. I would like to work in psychology and music. I am happy with the activities that I make.  Regards!

viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

Post 3 : Your favourite piece of technology

When I was ten years old my parents bought our first computer. He used for playing the computer every morning before going to school. Then, technological advances allowed us to have internet, from there I started to use the chat and search engines. Today, I consider fundamental to continue learning on internet, it is awesome how much information it contains. For me it is necessary to using it constantly, looking concerts, sheet music, psychology text, books, music and history. In addition to internet, I use computer to store information, listen to music, read, write, watch movies and more. Also, it is through the computer that I can tidy my week as it by internet we coordinated, with my fellow, the rehearsals, concerts and activities we need to do. Finally, I believe that my computer is essential to my life, with it I learn, I produce, I communicate and entertain me.