Hello classmates, today I will
talk about the strange blast the last Monday in the subway station. But, I will
be focused in the use which the mass media it made about the news. Beyond that the law is looking for
the guilty, is interesting see as the media use this news for cause terror. In
my personal opinión, the importance it is atributed about the bomb it relates
to the new reforms being made in security and intelligence. I think if people
are afraid, also they demand more security and control, allowing in this way,
for example, more the police intervention. This week, in the subway, there were
at least two policemen at each station, this seems curious in relationship with
the recent protests by increases in the price of public transport.
Moreover, I think that is not important the blast or the bomb
by itself, because also could be any
other thing, as the mapuches or students, I think that the problem is the the
control on the population, using public safety as an argument. However, the question
is, for me, Why the interest in public security and not by the conditions of
life the people? Or, why the interest by the “terorist” and not by the drug
trafficking? To finish a song:
hahahaha I love that song!! The other day I was singing that song in the subway, but apparently I did not cause much grace