domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014

Psot 10: 2014

Hello classmate, in this post I will to talk about some things that happened this year. Earlier this year many things came either, I was very motivate and anxious, had decided study trumpet and music while still in psychology, also I started playing in two bands. I love what I do but sometimes the time is short.

The first half at the university I take an assistantship for the course psychology in career sociology and was amazing and also a personal challenge because I had to review many contents of the first year by my career. Also It was funny that I made some expositions.

Maybe, the most complex in this year was the money, because my family is going of a difficult moment in economic terms, then I´ve had that cover all my expenses. But good is that by the music, I've had a lot of work lately. In that sense, I should be grateful for the opportunities I've had this year. Perhaps, I had to be away some classes, rehearsals and performances by some, but I think it costs to do the things I like.

Has been interesting to everything I've learned this year, for more theoretical issues to life things. Sometimes I haven´t much time for sleep or spend more with my family and friends, but I think that the life is more beautiful while you can do what I like and passionate. This year many times I've had a bit scary because I think: “maybe not be able to do this or that”, but then I remember my dreams and people who love me, and recover the energy to continue. Regards!

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