domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014

Psot 10: 2014

Hello classmate, in this post I will to talk about some things that happened this year. Earlier this year many things came either, I was very motivate and anxious, had decided study trumpet and music while still in psychology, also I started playing in two bands. I love what I do but sometimes the time is short.

The first half at the university I take an assistantship for the course psychology in career sociology and was amazing and also a personal challenge because I had to review many contents of the first year by my career. Also It was funny that I made some expositions.

Maybe, the most complex in this year was the money, because my family is going of a difficult moment in economic terms, then I´ve had that cover all my expenses. But good is that by the music, I've had a lot of work lately. In that sense, I should be grateful for the opportunities I've had this year. Perhaps, I had to be away some classes, rehearsals and performances by some, but I think it costs to do the things I like.

Has been interesting to everything I've learned this year, for more theoretical issues to life things. Sometimes I haven´t much time for sleep or spend more with my family and friends, but I think that the life is more beautiful while you can do what I like and passionate. This year many times I've had a bit scary because I think: “maybe not be able to do this or that”, but then I remember my dreams and people who love me, and recover the energy to continue. Regards!

domingo, 19 de octubre de 2014


Hello everyone, today I going to talk about my hobbies. Often I haven`t time by studies but I love I do fun things. For example, I like read an interesting book, as novels of Roberto Bolaño, as short stories of Julio Cortazar or the poems of Rodrigo Lira.  When I`m at university generally I only read theoretical papers but I like so much the literature.

This year I haven't gone much into the pool but I like so much to swim. I ride in bicycle but I prefer swim because is more entertainment but for I go to the pool I need more time while that for I go to somewhere I can ride a bike.

Also, I like to party whit my girlfriend or my friends, I love dance and drink or talk quietly with someone. This is a hobby for me because I think that this is necessary to distract after work or study.

But the hobby I more like to do is listen music of all kinds, from jazz to pop. I love the music, for me is necessary take some time to I am quietly and relax enjoying of the music. Ever I listen music, on the bus or bicycle, but it isn´t equal, I´m concern of other things and I am not focused in the details of the music. This is why that I need many time in the week  

Finally, I like watch movies of any types: action, mystery or comedy. Sometimes I attempt practice English while watch the movie. Regards!

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014


Hello classmate, I`m going to talk about what I think of the environment. Many people talk about what they are ecological but sometimes they don't make a thing to improve the environment. Then, I wonder, how you can help the environment.

Well, the previous question is very complicate, because, I think that some problems can be identified. First, the ecology is very interesting and it has great ideas, but people sometimes only criticise the environmental issues, setting aside other themes, for example, the economic system and its productive form that needs control the nature and extracts greater amount of resources. In that scences, the problem is not related with other structural problems.

Second, the ecological thought is very critical but in this time, as many other things and is in the market, then, it loses some meaning and becomes a massive fashion. I think that the problem is not the massive character, but rather, it is only this, because some people think that just buying some clothes or buying in selected stores they are helping the planet and I think that it is not so.

Finally, I think that the ecology is a very important thought because somehow it directly affects us in our health and our life. Then, beyond being consequent, I think that the pollution is a problem very serious of all society but, especially, of the governments, although I think that with this economic system is not much what can be made. Bye Bye!