viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014

Post 6: Your favourite film. The Godfather.

I don´t have a favorite director, but I have a favorite film. The trilogy of the Godfather of Francis Ford Coppola I like. This movie is based in the book of Mario Puzzo. In my personal opinion, what is interesting is how different aspects that are not in view combine. For example, the stories "Corleone’s” family show us the history of the twentieth century, that is to say some changes political, economic and cultural transform the life of the personages. I think that can understand the history of the civilizations by its prohibitions, because they are never fully prohibited, so there are mafias and black markets. The mafia represents an ideal of classic family that promoted the culture but also they commit crimes, murder and forbidden things by the society. I think that the “Godfather” somehow show us the contradiction of the modernity, where the human being, when man can do anything for power. Finally, mafia movies are also very entertaining. Regards!

viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

My favourite photograph: Bebop, Bird and Diz.

This photograph shows us a revolution, or rather, revolutionaries. The bebop jazz in the '40s revolutionized jazz in particular and music in general.Do not know who took this picture, but here are two great: Charlie Parker, intrepid saxophonist and Dizzy Gillespie, trumpeter and composer. This photo shows us a revolution, jazz was at an impasse in their 40s, big bands had achieved much, but now they were already causing limitations.The new generation of jazz in the 40s, led by "Bird" and "Dizzy" created new "formations", smaller than the big bands, how (trios, quintets, quartets, sextets) and therefore more versatile. This picture also shows us a friendship, a union beyond music. Must be remembered that Charlie was a drug addict and Gillespie was always attentive to your friend, by encouraging him for to leave them, or at least. Charlie also loved Dizzy and it considered the greatest modern trumpet player. This photographe shows us as Charlie watches and listens to Dizzy, as they shared their musical revolution, his friendship, his passion. Regards!

viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

Post 4 : "GGM"

The first book i have read of Gabo it was “La hojarasca” and then I read “100 años de soledad”, both required at the school. Also, for personal interest I read two books more: “El coronel no tiene quién le escriba” and “12 cuentos peregrinos”. I liked all the books i read because is interesting as GGM created a new literary genre for his age, a style from and for Latin America. The Latin America literature had too much european influences and thanks to the "boom” led by Gabo it could be independent. For these reasons is that Gabo was too outstanding, but sometimes a myth is created about Latin America because of an uncritical reading of his books. In my personal opinion the problem not is be in favor but rather believe that is the only Latin American reality. Regards!