sábado, 21 de junio de 2014

Post 10: Blogging Experience.

Hello, today I will talk about my experience written on this blog. In general I liked the experience because I have many difficult to write in English so these kinds of activities help me a lot for learning this language.  Also, I could talk about many topics that I'm interested as psychoanalysis, jazz, literature and culture in general. Moreover, I could know the preferences of my partners of my class, their topics were more interesting for me because they studied a different career. Therefore that is how I learned about some artists and authors related with artistic theory. The experience of write in a blog is very interesting and I think in continue with this. Also, It´s funny that I can express my personal opinion about some topics because in general, at university, the essays are very academics. The other hand, blogs allows the use of pictures or other audiovisual material, making blogs more attractive in esthetics terms. Finally, I think that should have been more feedback about our publications, specifically, in our way to write for we could progress. In conclusion I liked the experience of blogging, especially for the topics that the we talked in our different blogs and everything that I learned in English and other stuff. Goodbye and farewell.

viernes, 20 de junio de 2014

Post 8: A career-related article / An expert in your field

In the actually some persons think that psychoanalysis isn´t important for psychology. The american psychology since the 40s has proposed a science of behavior, in this time has been devoted to neuroscience or the cognitivism. Meanwhile in Europe the social constructionism has interesting ideas. But none of these theories has been able to relate the individual and culture satisfactorily. Therefore it is that I think has importance Freud and the psychoanalysis. Specifically, I will talk about an essay written before his death, called "El Malestar en la cultura" of 1938. The relevance this article is how proposes a theory about the culture based in the human suffering. In the general terms, Freud talks about impossibility of the society for deliver happiness for the persons. Rather, the life in society has a cost and it is repress the desires more primitive. Freud thinks that the happiness is a moment but not a permanent state. But this not means that we are destined to suffering, rather it is an attempt to think realistically society. In actuality, the company “Coca Cola” has an institute of happiness, I ask myself: what do you want with that? Why the purpose of life would be "happy”? The article "El malestar en la cultura" is one of the few in the psychology that proposes a different opinion about the humanity and your future. Regards

Post 9 : Your favourite writer

I don´t have a favourite writer but I like Roberto Bolaño. The first book Bolaño´s I read was "Putas Asesinas", at once I liked by their style. All time Roberto Bolaño invites to discover a mystery, do not always know what the mystery, but there is always something. I read all books of short story and then I read some novels. Also I like Roberto Bolaño by the way he writes about different cultures, countries and how they relate. In the summer I travelled to Argentina and I visited an exhibition about Roberto Bolaño. In the exhibition there were personal items, manuscripts and other items. Also, the exhibition was structured how an investigation. For this I think that for to read the Bolaño´s books is necessary become a "wild detective”. Maybe for this himself talk about his book´s was “police novels” but had not necessarily cops and crimes. The funny in the Bolaño´s books is “investigate” the story line that united whole. In my personal opinion I find interesting discover the “secret crime” that not ever is a crime but can't tell. Also is interesting the way in that in the short story, Bolaño created a tense atmosphere where finally nothing happens. I recommend you read the first story of the book "Putas Asesinas", is called "El ojo silva". Regards.

viernes, 6 de junio de 2014

An Artist you admire: Miles Davis

Miles Davis was an American jazz musician, trumpeter, bandleader, and composer. He is considered one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century. Miles Davis was, together with his musical groups, at the forefront of several major developments in jazz music, including bebop, cool jazz, hard bop, modal jazz, and jazz fusion. Also, in the beginning his musical major play whit the Parker's quintet, from this moment Miles show the own style. This style matured in the disc "The Birth of cool" in 1948, where in addition founded the "cool jazz". By 1953, his drug addiction began to impair his playing ability. But in 1954 Davis is recovered from his addiction. The begins play with John Coltrane and he explored in the "hardbop" style. But in 1959, Miles Davis succeeded in establishing himself as a successful musician with the creation the disk "Kind of Blue". The trumpet solo on the song "So What" is amazing, changed the history of jazz. I admire  Miles Davis because in his life by different jazz style but his style never changed its originality. I leave you with this beautiful theme.